Journal Publications
25. Hongri Gu, Quentin Boehler, Daniel Ahmed, Bradley J. Nelson, Magnetic Quadrupole Assemblies with Arbitrary 2D Shapes and Magnetizations, Science Robotics, 4, 35, DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aax8977, 2019.
24. Nino F. Läubli, Naveen Shamsudhin, Hannes Vogler, Gautam Munglani, Ueli Grossniklaus, Daniel Ahmed*, Bradley J. Nelson. 3D Manipulation and Imaging of Plant Cells using Acoustically Activated Microbubbles, Small Methods, DOI: 10.1002/smtd.201800527, 2019. (*Corresponding Authors)
23. Xiang‐Zhong Chen, Bumjin Jang, Daniel Ahmed, Chengzhi Hu, Carmela De Marco, Marcus Hoop, Fajer Mushtaq, Bradley J Nelson, Salvador Pané, Small-scale machines driven by external power sources, Advanced Materials, DOI:, 2018.
22. Daniel Ahmed*, Thierry Baasch, Nicolas Blondel, Nino Läubli, Jürg Dual and Bradley J. Nelson*, Neutrophil-inspired propulsion in a combinedacoustic and magnetic field, Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00845-5, (*Corresponding Authors)
Highlights: Appeared in ETH Zurich website, Newsline, Bionity,, EurokAlert, Nanowerk, Sign of the Times, Nanowerk,
Nanotechnology News, etc.
21.magnetic soft microswimmers, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2, 1700050, 2017. (*Corresponding Author, also featured in inside cover.)
Highlight: Advance Science News
20. Daniel Ahmed, Thierry Baasch, Bumjin Jang, Salvador Pane, Jurg Dual and Bradley J. Nelson, Artificial swimmers propelled by acoustically activated flagella, Nano Letters, 16 (8), pp 4968–4974, 2016.
Highlights:, ETH Zurich facebook posts, MSRL News.
19. Fajer Mushtaq, Agim Asani, Marcus Hoop, Xiang-Zhong Chen, Daniel Ahmed, Bradley J. Nelson and Salvador Pane, Highly Efficient Coaxial TiO2-PtPd Tubular Nanomachines for Photocatalytic Water Purification with Multiple Locomotion Strategies, Adv. Funct. Material, 26, 6995–7002, 2016.
18. Daniel Ahmed*, Adem Ozcelik*, Nagagireesh Bojanala, Nitesh Nama, Awani Upadhyay, Yuchao Chen, Wendy Hanna-Rose, and Tony Jun Huang, Rotational manipulation of single cells and organisms using acoustic waves, Nature Communications, 7:11085, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11085, 2016 (*equal contributions).
Highlights: in Penn State News, NIH,, eurekalert!, Bionity, AzoNano, FreshGhana,, Nanotechnology Now, Lab Manager, nanowerk, newswise, e! science News, Biotechniques, medGadget, DNA Barcoding, etc.
17. Daniel Ahmed, Xiaolei Peng, Adem Ozcelik, Yuebing Zheng, Tony Jun Huang, Acousto-Plasmofluidics: Acoustic Modulation of Surface Plasmon Resonance in Microfluidic Systems, AIP Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 097161, 2015.
16. P. H. Huang, C.Y. Chan, P. Li, N. Nama, Y. Xie, C.H. Wei, Y. Chen, D. Ahmed, T. Huang, A spatiotemporally controllable chemical gradient generator via acoustically oscillating sharp-edge structures, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 15 (21), pp. 4166-4176, 2015.
15. Daniel Ahmed, Mengqian Lu, Amir Nourhani, Paul E. Lammert, Zak Stratton, Hari S. Muddanna, Vincent H. Crespi, and Tony Jun Huang, Selectively manipulable acoustic-powered microswimmers, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 9744, 2015.