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I have received the ERC Starting Grant (~1.5 million euros), 2019

















Invited for the ERC interview in Brussels, Belgium, 2019.

Editorial Board Member of Micromachines  (April 2019-April 2021)

Introduced a new special issue on Micro/Nanorobots in Medicine

Invited talk on Acousto-magnetic micro/nanorobotic systems, Helsinki, Finland, 2019, MARSS.

Invited talk on Micro/nanorobotics in Medicine, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2019, HEART.




















Received ETH Carrer Seed Grant, 2017.

Our research "Neutrophil Inspired Propulsion" appeared on the front page of ETH main website.
















Our research on “Rotational manipulation of single cells and organisms using acoustic waves” has been highlighted as a News Report by 


Penn State NewsNIH, Phys.orgeurekalert!BionityAzoNano, FreshGhana,, Nanotechnology Now, Lab Manager, nanowerk, newswise, e! science News, Biotechniques, medGadget, DNA Barcoding, etc.


Paper Accepted
Daniel Ahmed, Adem Ozcelik, Nagagireesh Bojanala, Nitesh Nama, Awani Upadhyay, Yuchao Chen, Wendy Hanna-Rose, and Tony Jun Huang, Rotational manipulation of single cells and organisms using acoustic waves, Nature Communications, accepted, 2016 (in Press)


Paper Accepted
Daniel Ahmed, Mengqian Lu, Amir Nourhani, Paul E. Lammert, Zak Stratton, Hari S. Muddanna, Vincent H. Crespi, and Tony Jun Huang, Selectively manipulable acoustic-powered microswimmers, Scientific Reports, accepted, 2015.


Paper Accepted
Daniel Ahmed, Hari S. Muddana, Mengqian Lu, Jarrod French, Adem Ozcelik, Ye Fang, Peter J. Butler, Andreas Manz, Stephen J. Benkovic and Tony Jun Huang, Acoustofluidic chemical waveform generator and switch, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 86 (23), pp. 11803-11810, 2014.



Innovative Incentive Award, The Pennsylvania State University, 2014.



Breneman Chair Award, The Pennsylvania State University, 2014


Daniel Ahmed, Tony Jun Huang and Stephen Benkovic, Spatiotemporal Control of Chemical Microenvironment using Oscillating Bubbles, U.S. Patent No.US 20140146634 A1, issued date Nov. 17, 2013.

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